1. Introduction to .NET Framework and ASP.NET Core
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core and .NET Framework
- Required Set up (software installation and other setup to start development with ASP.NET)
- Top Level overview of ASP.NET Core
- Introduction with Visual Studio 2022
3. Introduction to web application architecture, request and response
- Introduction to Web application architecture
- HTML and CSS
- UI Design using bootstrap and Material
- Introduction to javascript and JQuery
5. Introduction to ASP.NET Core Controller, View and Model
- What is a Controller ?
- Responsibility of a Controller
- Action Methods and Action Results
- ActionResult vs IActionResult
- ViewResult, JsonResult, ContentResult, EmptyResult,
- RedirectResult, RedirectToActionResult, BadRequestResult
- FileResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult
- Dependency Injection in Controller
- Implicit Dependencies Principle
- Explicit Dependencies Principle
- Constructor Injection
- Action Injection
- What is a Model?
- Responsibility of a Model
- Introduction to Model binding How Model binding works?
- Data Sources To Bind Request Data
- Form values, Route values, Query strings
- Bind Request Data
- Customize Model Binding With Attributes
- What happens Inside Model Binding?
- Value providers and Model Binders activities.
- What are Views?
- Responsibility of Views
- Benefits of Using Views
- Creating a View
- Content of a View File
- What is Layout?
- How to create a Layout?
- Specifying a Layout
- Layout property of Razor views
- Introduction to RenderBody, Section, RenderSection etc.
- Ignoring sections
- About _ViewStart.cshtml ¬le
- Razor Directives, Importing Shared Directives
- About _ViewImports.cshtml ¬le
- Passing Data from Controller to View
- Introduction to ViewBag and ViewData
- Usages of TempData, ViewBag and ViewData
9. ASP.NET MVC Core application Deployment
- Deploy WEB Application in Remote Server
- Publishing and packaging Web API
- Con¬figuring Server
- Deploying the Application and GO Live
10. Project Work with ASP.NET Core MVC
- Introduction about project
- Project plan, approach and methodology identifi¬cation
- Setting up the Project environment
- Conceptualization of requirements and develop requirements speci¬fication
- Designing solution in detail
- Development or construction based on the design
- Testing and debugging the Application
- Deploy Application to server
2. Introduction to MVC Framework and .NET project architecture
- Introduction to MVC pattern
- .NET Core MVC project architecture
- Component of MVC design pattern
- Introduction to Model, View and Controller and their responsibility.
- NET MVC and its feature
- How an application works?
4. Razor View Engine
- Razor View Engine, Razor Syntax
- Symbol to transition from HTML to C#
- Implicit, Explicit Razor expressions and transitions
- expression encoding
6. ORM in ASP.NET Core (Entity Framework Core)
- What is ORM?
- Introduction to Entity Framework Core
- Conceptual Model, Storage Model, Mapping
- Create the Model
- Register context with dependency injection
- Add Migration and Create Database
- Introduction to Asynchronous Code
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous code
7. Introduction to MSSQL (Database) and MSSQL Server
- Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2014
- Module 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying
- Module 3: Writing SELECT Queries
- Module 4: Querying Multiple Tables
- Module 5: Sorting and Filtering Data
- Module 6: Working with SQL Server 2014 Data Types
- Module 7: Using DML to Modify Data
- Module 8: Using Built-In Functions
- Module 9: Grouping and Aggregating Data
- Module 10: Using Sub queries
- Module 11: Using Table expressions
- Module 12: Using Set Operators
- Module 13: Using Window Ranking, O set, and Aggregate Functions
- Module 14: Pivoting and Grouping Sets
- Module 15: Executing Stored Procedures
- Module 16: Programming with T-SQL
- Module 17: Implementing Error Handling
- Module 18: Implementing Transaction
8. Security, Authentication, and Authorization in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What is Authentication
- Authentication in ASP.NET Core
- Identity on ASP.NET Core
- Confi¬gure Identity
- Introduction to Authorization
- Authorization Types
- Authorization Namespace
- What is Role?
- Different Types of Authorization
- Simple Authorization
- Role based Authorization
- Claims-Based Authorization
- Custom Policy-Based Authorization
- Resource Based Authorization
- View Based Authorization
11. Real Life Project (Complete)
- E-commerce type project
- Employment management system